Saturday, October 29, 2016

Open your mind, teach yourself to see beyond the obvious, life isn't that boring right?!  Life isn't that simple, people aren't that simple, things may not be the way you think they are.
Everything is very complex. 
For an example, an ant is just an insect you won't hesitate kill, but did you took the time to watch, to learn about ants? They are a comunity so much complex, like humans.
My point isn't about the ants, my point is that we pass by life running , we miss the little things, the beautiful things happening around us in a blink of an eye.
Slow down, breath, live every moment of your life, maybe your life isn't perfect, mine isn't either, but I changed, instead of seeing all the bad things, I started to observe the little good ones that make life worth of being alive.
Being alive with health is already a victory, waking up every day knowing that I'm not alone is a victory.
Seeing the sun shining around me, feeling his heat.
So many, little, beautiful things around to see, to learn, to live.
Life isn't easy, isn't perfect, but feels good to be alive!
Enjoy while you can!


Normally in the end of the day I get so overwhelmed with all the energies that I've caught.
All the inner fights I've fought along the day, dealing with people that try to mistake me.
There is no way, I can feel the true colors.
I don't care how beautiful you are on the outside if your inside doesn't match.
I feel no trust in anyone, because I'm surrounded by fake good people.

I had a big fight with a person like this, and she tried to convince me by crying, she was a good person, that the mistake was mine, that I didn't learn how to know her after all this time.
Some years ago or not so long as the last year, I would belive in her words,blame myself and convince myself that I'm a bad person.
But some time ago, I didn't know what I know today, I taught myself, I evolved myself and I know who I am, what I always knew but I left other people convince that I wasn't. Like she tried to do with me.
I left her do her thing, and I showed her love, I apologized for being rude and hugged her.
And I saw suprise in her eyes, because she wasn't expect this action after seeing me yelling, she wasn't expecting kindness.
I saw all of that but I saw no true kindness in her eyes, I saw no truth in her eyes, she want to be or show a good person that doesn't exists inside of her, she expects that everyone is like her, empty.
She didn't evolve at all and she is so much older than me, I feel sorry for her because you can't fake true light.
You can't fake true love.
It comes from the heart and it shows on our eyes.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

People will try to give their opinion, that's ok.
You can accept it or not, it's your choice.
People will try to change your mind about something, people will try to control the way you act, you think, and in the end they will try to control your life.
YOUR life! Doesn't belong to them to control, it's your own path.
People will try to make you feel guilty for being who you are, for acting in a silly way or being weird.
People will judge no matter what.
We can not please everybody.
You know what?! 
Let them think what they want but don't let them take control over you.
It's your life, your time to grow, to change, to evolve.
Be yourself in the most beautiful way of being, be kind, be calm, be silly, be weird, be awkward.
Take control, you are in charge of yourself, show them what kind of material your are done, be happy and show them.
You don't have to ask permission to be YOU.
Remember you are one of a kind, you are unique, you are beautiful!

Saturday, October 22, 2016

I don't want to survive!

Some days you will feel intoxicated, surrounded by people that make your nerves explode, and you simply get tired and can't control yourself anymore, you let it get on fire and explode.
Words will come out, can't go back! You want to run, you can't find a safe place to hide, cause they will always find you.
You sorrounded with fake people, smiling and talking with them because you want everything to be peaceful and you being drained.
Every clear thought about patience, being calm and let it go is shouted down.
In your brain only exists fog and pain, the insecurities about yourself starts again.
All that you think is that you need to survive another day.
I don't want to survive another day, fuck this!
I want to live!
I want to be happy about myself, I want to be confident, I want to feel good about my flaws, I want to be me.
I want to be surrounded with true people, good people, intelligent people, people that teach me something new, people that make me think, make evolve and grow, make me a better person!
Positive minds, positive people!
I don't want to survive, I want to LIVE!

Monday, October 17, 2016

It felt like Sunday!

Today was my favourite day of the weekend. 
After a very stressful week, yesterday was to do some cleaning on the house, but today was all about relax.
We just went out, before lunch, to buy some fresh bread, besides that we spend all day in the sofa, eating and watching movies. It felt so cozy and warm to be here, while outside was cold and raining.
I want more days like this, I felt happy, relaxed, life was easy!
This was needed to us, to stop a little bit and have quality time together, just the two of us.
No thinking, just enjoying the moment, the movie, the food, the couch, and each other's company.
This felt like a rewarding present. Every  Sunday should be always like this, no running just appreciating.
I wish I could extend this Sunday, but it's already over. 
Tomorrow is a new day, another week starts again, got to keep the positive mind working.
All the bad and stressful days are worth it, when you have days like this.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

My life and my mind were not fancy at all, still aren't, although my mind is changing to an sophisticated way of thought.
I'm not a teen anymore, uh, this realization it's very awkward, I'm getting older. 
I'm changing, I want a sophisticated lifestyle, organized and neat, but still relaxed, cozy and cool.
I also want this to my fashion style, I don't really follow trends, I buy clothes that I like and mix them, and I'm kinda of lost right now, because I don't know what to wear because of the season changing.
Plus we aren't rich, and we are trying to save money, so it's hard right now the transition to a new lifestyle and buy new clothes that reflect my way or how I feel.
Sometimes I don't have any inspiration and don't know what to do, anymore with anything ahahah.
Baby steps with a positive and patient mind and I will get the results that I aspire to get.
I have so much to learn yet, patient is one of the many things I have to learn!
Things will happen in their time!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Dance in the rain!

It's ok in some days, not know how things will get better, it's ok to wake up and feel lost, wander about the future.
We all are humans, with fears, battles to battle, life stories to tell, we don't have all figure it out.
And that's ok!
Don't bury yourself in worry, don't make that your daily routine, otherwise you will intoxicate your mind, your essence, your body. All that's need is balance.
Take a moment to breathe, to see all the beauty around you, that you're missing while burning yourself in sorrow. Open your eyes, wipe your tears and start, take your power to clean your life, to change what's wrong, step by step, baby steps if you need. 
Make your time, you will see, things will happen. Don't try to control everything, you can't, sometimes the unexpected will happen, others what you planned will concretize.
Be patient, with you, with time. Remember everything happens for a reason, try to learn with every experience you have.
Be gratefull, you are still here! 
Bad days, bad periods of life doesn't mean that all things in life are bad, they happen and sometimes they hurt, for you to lift up stronger. 
Fighting never ends, but can be more easier!
Enjoy your journey, your sunny days and the rainy ones, because time flies away in an instance.
Why don't allow ourselves to dance a little in the rain, while waiting for the sun?
Things will get easier, free yourself a bit.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Age is a state of mind!

I see and hear people older than me acting like their lives are  over. On their 50's, their minds are so closed up, they think they are old, and many of them didn't do anything special. They didn't lived, they just survived, passed aside by beauty that life have to offer. 
I see and hear 30's years old people with strenght and will of changing their lifes, because their minds are young, are open to new oportunities, but got stuck in someting that don't let them.
My life isn't perfect either, but I remember thinking, I don't to be in my 50's and act like my life is over, I don't want to close my mind, to live an ordinary life, I don't want to get stuck!
I want to travel, to learn, to experience new things, I want to grow and be in constant evolution. I don't want to regret my life, what I left doing, because I want a full life.
I don't want to be in my 50's and think that I'm to old to live more.
Age is a state of mind not what says in your birthday card!

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Laughing can be the most therapeutic way to deal with the daily routine. Of course, not every day are the same and sometimes we can't see any positivism or joy in our days or in our lives, etc. Some days all you want to do it's crying or say fuck it, I don't care anymore.
So laughing can be a little hard in that moments, but belive me, laughing makes life so much easier and better, laughing can make us feel pleasure, that's why when you cry like is no tomorrow and end laughing, you feel that all is gonna be ok!
You are allowed to laugh even if your life it's a mess right now, things aren't gonna change just because you laugh, but helps, helps your brain, your mind, even your body.
Laughing breaks the negativism and releases positive thoughts and slowly you turn your mind in the other way, you start to feel more happier.
So laugh, and turn yourself in a positive thinker. 
Even if your life it's a mess, there's always a way out!
Laugh until your belly hurts and then just a little bit more!

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Life it's too short!

We spend hours from our lives working, running, worrying, sometimes in a job we don't like, to pay rent, bills, and buy stuff, as we need lots of stuff and clothes to be happy.
In fact we don't, because when this life it's over, we don't gonna take anything with us.
We end buying things we don't need, not with money but with our time, time we spend working to make that money, time we spent while shopping, and later on we get bored of some things or clothes and we throw out not only the stuff but our time, and we didn't even realize that.
Having a lot of stuff, a lot of clothes it's not gonna fill the empty inside, or cure a bad day or a bad mood.
We must live, enjoy moments, enjoy our love, be here now.
We should be gratefull for awake up every morning, because it's a brand new day, we never know what it's gonna bring to us. 
Live, life is too short!

Monday, October 3, 2016


I, definitely found a lifestyle to pursue while "growing up".
Although, my way of view things was changing already and I wanted to have a more clean, organised and neat environment and with a bit of elegance may I say, I didn't know how to start or what to call to that urge.
So one day, I was searching on youtube, I guess new things to watch and I found a video of Jenny Mustard, about why she didn't want to have kids, and I found that interesting, because me and the husband also don't want kids, at least for now.
So, I started to watch Jenny's videos, and as I continue, more and more I was convinced that I wanted to embraced that life style. She is my inspiration, and my mentor, I guess.
I did a lot of mistakes, I did buy a lot of stuff that I didn't need or use just because...and most of the time I did throw out things or clothes. 
I was not a very organised person, and I did attached a lot to things, things in my past was all I had, my memories were in my things because people never lasted long, now it's different.
 Plus, with this life style, I can save money and time for things that really matter or I really want.
I don't have a messy wardrobe anymore, I have a more neat house.
The sense of style, minimalism brings to me, thats what I pursuit. It feels so right!
Because less is indeed more!

 This is Jenny Mustard, fashion blogger,minimalist, vegan.
She is my inspiration! @jennymustard


Change, it's scary...
but change it's necessary.
In order to grow,
we need to let things flow.
Don't get stuck in the past,
your life's gonna run so fast.
Take time to enjoy
and enjoy your time.

A couple a weeks ago, I was trying to convince myself that my path would change, and I was terrified because of that, it was inevitable, my life would change again. 
Not yet! I have three more months to enjoy my life as it is now. And then? What I'm gonna do with my life?
Very good and upset question that I make myself every day.
I like to work with kids, I enjoy writing and photography and design, oh! and drawing.
I would love to create my own life style, be my own boss, writing, making this blog my work maybe, to see this project growing more, who knows.
I'm young yet, and I dream a lot, i'm a big dreamer, and that sometimes affects my life, because I'm very impatient and I want things to happen NOW!
I'm learning to calm myself down.
One thing that I've learn about myself it's, I'm in constant change, I'm growing, I try to not repeat the same mistakes, and let things flow a bit, because I can't control everything around me and can't control what's gonna happen in future.
So, live every moment, enjoy every day and the small things that makes you happy, learn with the bad ones.
Be here now, it's our reward, so make every day count in your life.