Monday, November 28, 2016

Be you!

I reached a point of my life that I simply don't care what people think of me.
The way I look or act, this is me, I'm not gonna change to people like me or to amuse someone.
I will change if I have the need, if I evolve, if the person that I am doesn't fit me anymore. I don't have to please anyone but myself, I'm who I am today because of me, what I been through, what I learned with my mistakes and my little victories.
I will not change my mind because of what  people say or want.
I'm nobody's child, I'm a grown up woman, who had grown almost by myself. I made mistakes, I needed help, but I've learn, I'm still learning, but I will not take lessons from people who hadn't evolve a thing.
I'm not a bad person, but I'm not weak anymore and will not let people make me feel that way.
I've been through a lot to be where I am today, and in the past I changed to please people, but not anymore.
Life has teached me a lot and I know I have so many more lessons to learn, I don't need people tell me, that was a well learned lesson.
You learn, you grow, you evolve by living, making mistakes and making good choises. And sometimes you just have to risk some things because you don't know what is going to happen, you have to wait and see.
This is life, it doesn't need to be perfect and you... you don't have to be perfect either, you just have to be you!

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Cozy minimalist

Since we moved to our house, I became more interested in house decor, interior design but as we live with a very small budget I had to work with what I have, that isn't much but we arrange everything to make a simple and beautifull house.
We both agreed in the minimalist style, although I want a cozy home.
When we moved here we ask for white walls for being easy to work with, I think that the details makes all the diference.
Specially in fall and winter, a soft blanket in the sofa, a candle here and there, a fluffy carpet on the ground.
I want a certain elegancy in the evironment also.
I don't want a house full of stuff, I want the right amount with some quality, of course, to make sure that will resist some years.I don't want to go by the tendencies because they are always changing. I want things that I know that I will not get bored by them, and that I can change them with the seasons, that's all.
So I been searching for some home inspiration, I don't own the author rights of the following images of course, most of them I found on pinterest.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Can't even deal how fast time is going. November is almost ending.
My favourite month of the all year.
I'm trying to live everyday, without thinking to much, but some days I just break.
It hurts, when he walks out of the door at night and goes to work, it hurts when I walk out of the door in the morning to work, sometimes I can't deal with my life, somedays I cry when I go to bed, others when I leave the house.
Everyone has their struggles and my life isn't perfect.
I still teach to myself everyday to remain grateful of the small things, every good moment, to stay positive and be strong.
But hey! we're all a little fragile, and that's ok.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Despite it all

A second, an hour, a day, one tear, one smile, we sleep, we eat, we breathe, we laugh.
A week, a year, we get tired, we want to give up but we don't, we have hope.
We fight because fighting is all we know.
We wake up, we want to wake up. Giving up isn't an option. We live, despite all the bad that happens, because the good, the victories, the joy, the love is worth it.
For a better second, an hour, a day, a week, a year. 
Live despite it all.
Be alive, don't only exist!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Today, 25 years ago I was born. I can't belive how fast time goes by, I can't belive how fast last year went by.
I'm so gratefull, so proud of me, I'm still alive.
I've changed, I've grown so much in this last year, I've conquered myself again.
This year I'm proud of being me, I've accepted myself,
I'm more confident.
I'm no longer a child, but I don't feel quite old yet, I guess no matter how many years I have I will never feel that age.
That's a good thing. It means I'm evolving, not aging.
This year I feel like I started living again, not just surviving, getting out of my confort zone, like being on a beach just in my bikini or shaving my head, some little things that made a huge difference on me.
I started being me, expecting nothing from others, I quit caring if people would like me or not, I started speaking my mind more, telling what I felt about things, giving my opinion.
I started standing for myself more.
Over this last year I opened my mind, my eyes, my heart, I've learn to be kind to myself, putting me first because I also deserve that.
Before, my birthday didn't have any purpose, I hated this day.
Six years ago I found my love, my life, my husband and my life gained a new sense.
But this year is the first one that I feel peace, calm inside of me. I'm not angry or sad, I'm living my day the best way I can, treating myself with kindness.
This year I wish that every birthday years be like this one, I'm
happy because I'm alive and wishing being alive.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

It is my favourite month of the year again. I can't help it feeling nostalgic in this time of the year.
This is my month, the month I was born, the month I found, six years ago, the LOVE of my life.
I just like the emotions, the feelings that this month makes me feel.
It was a year ago that I start this blog, so much happened, so many changes.
I'm sit in my kitchen writing, in my house, the one we were searching for a year ago in the begining of November.
I've been working with children and my job there is almost over.
I've growing and changing, teaching positivity to myself and healing myself.
How can a person change so much in just one year?!
With a lot of effort, patiente, living day by day, not rushing myself.
I had a kidneystone, and lived like a zombie(because of the meds) by a week (with a lot of pain) , something clicked in my mind, life is to short, I can't waste it.
Things are almost the same but my way of view them changed, that's a victory.
I'm more strong than an year ago.
I started enjoying the little things, the little moments that make life so precious, so beautiful.
I learned by myself that life is worth, I can't give up, I want to live so much more.
I want many more years to see November coming, and tell that I'm born in this month, I'm alive and proud of being born.
Take your life and keep it like a treasure. Live it, enjoy it, be strong, never give up and be happy!