Tuesday, January 3, 2017

It feels so good to have free time, no obligations whatsoever besides doing things like cleaning and stuff around the house.
But I can rest, I can relax and I could sleep till I wanted more or less, I wanted to enjoy this morning going out to go take care for some paper work that I needed to land on the main school, and I had to buy some calcium to my beautifull bunny Happy.
So, I did all of that, I left the house were almost eleven am and It was noon when I arrived home.
I felt good but a little sad, normally I had to go in that path to go for work, so after that I went straight back, went to the pet shop and on the way home I did some grocery shop.
I've been cleaning the kitchen and now I'm just chilling.
I know this time I will not have so many days to do this because soon I will get in to my new job, so let's just appreciate my time off, with no rules, no schedules, where I make my time because oh well, I'm in my home and in my home, my favourite place to be, without a doubt, it's my bedroom.
This year Santa was very generous, ok ok, not Santa, my husband and my coworkers gave me a duvet and a set of bed sheets, and they are so damn awesome.
The duvet was my husband's present to me and it has fur on the inside it's so warm, the set of bed sheets are flannel sheets and they are so soft, so delicate and warm also. The combinations of the two presents  is perfect.
The first night I slept with them on my bed, I felt like I was in a hotel room or something, I hate feeling cold, I can't stand the cold weather especially at night when I'm trying to fall asleep, but since I have those things I simply don't feel cold anymore, makes me feel cozy and warm.
It's the best improvement in our house.

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