New job and sun!
After two days, maybe three, of sun and the entire month of february without writing, today I felt like I needed to do it. In January I wrote a lot and then my brain blocked.
Life happened! In a brutal way again. So, I did a break, of being me, being strong although I dealed with strenght I guess. I was strong but I kinda blocked the emotions. I just went through it, later on I felt fragile but still blocking.
So, February I didn't do much and didn't write anything, I couldn't do it. I couldn't preach about how to make things feel better or how to enjoy life, make our days better if I didn't feel it, if I wasn't in shape.
I write to organize my thoughts, to let things go out of me, to remember what I need to do, to teach myself, and to those of you who want to read.
But mostly I write because I feel the necessity of it and I know my English isn't perfect and this may afect my writing, but I'm trying to improve, I love to write in English although isn't my mother language.
Better news, I started a new job! A real one, ahah!
I'm no longer an unemployed person uhuh! I'ts a part-time job, cleaning Primark!
I let so many times my resume on that store to actually work with them, but I ended working for a cleaning company that works for Primark. I guess we can't have everything.
It doesn't mind that is part-time for now because it's a transition job until I can back to the kindergarten. And when that time comes I still want to work in this job on the weekends if possible.
It's just three hours a day so... I think I can handle it.
I'm very happy about it, I'm happy for having a job, the part that I have to wake up every morning at 5 a.m. not so much but I'm trying to not complain and adjust my brain that it is ok, I can do it, I already did it in my previous "real job" and it was a full time job, 8 hours a day, some days 9, so with 3 hours I must handle it.
For an entire year I started my job at 11 a.m. and finished at 7 p.m so my brain was used to that and now it is lazy.
I'm trying to not get involved at any drama occur in that place, because honestly I just want to do my job the best way I can and come home. I don't want lose any mental stability that I've gained. It was hard to achieve my inner peace and I'm still struggling so I want to stay away of drama and problems. But it isn't easy because people being people, at any place that I go to work shit happens.
I just hope that doesn't envolve me ahah!

Today is a rainy day with a grey sky, this is nature playing with us, first, yes you may feel like is a good day to keep away all your warm clothes and maybe go for a walk on the beach because tomorrow you will want to stay in bed with a warm blanket!
It's confusing!
But I'm glad, feeling the sun while I went home was very pleasant, although I was in zombie mood and warm as fuck with my wool sweater.
So, yeah I hope sunny days come really fast and frequently because I feel so much better when the sun shines!
Bye, be happy!